Nobivac Lepto 4, 25 x 1

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Merck Nobivac Lepto 4 Vaccine, 25 x 1 Single Doses

Leptospira Canicola-Grippotyphosa-Icterohaemorrhagiae-Pomona Bacterin

Merck Nobivac Lepto 4 Vaccine is designed to help protect healthy dogs 8 weeks of age or older against four strains of Leptospira: L. canicola, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. pomona, and L. grippotyphosa. This vaccine has also been proven effective against mortality and leptospiruria (the shedding of Leptospira in the urine) caused by these strains. It is administered via subcutaneous injection, with two doses required for primary immunization. The need for annual revaccination has not been established, so consult your veterinarian for guidance on booster frequency.

Dosage and Administration: Mix well before use. Administer one 1mL dose subcutaneously starting at 8 weeks of age, with a second dose given 2 to 4 weeks later.

Warnings: Contains gentamicin and amphotericin B. Vaccinate only healthy, non-parasitized dogs. Not tested in pregnant bitches. In rare cases, anaphylaxis or other hypersensitivity reactions may occur, for which epinephrine or corticosteroids may be needed.